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- * $Id: lowlevel.s 1.1 1999/02/03 04:08:28 jotd Exp $
- bclr #JPB_BUTTON_\1,D0 ; button released
- tst.l D2
- bne.b .rts\@
- bset #JPB_BUTTON_\1,D0 ; button pressed
- .rts\@
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- LOWLINIT move.l _lowlbase,d0
- beq .init
- rts
- .init move.l #162,d0 ; reserved function
- move.l #80,d1 ; 20 variables: should be OK
- lea _lowlname,a0
- bsr _InitLibrary
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l d0,_lowlbase
- patch _LVOReadJoyPort(a0),READJOYPORT(pc)
- patch _LVOSetJoyPortAttrsA(a0),SETJOYPORTATTRS(pc)
- patch _LVOAddVBlankInt(a0),ADDVBLANKINT(pc)
- patch _LVOAddKBInt(a0),ADDKBINT(pc)
- patch _LVOAddTimerInt(a0),ADDTIMERINT(pc)
- patch _LVORemVBlankInt(a0),MYRTS(pc)
- patch _LVORemKBInt(a0),MYRTS(pc)
- patch _LVOSystemControlA(a0),MYRTZ(pc)
- patch _LVOGetLanguageSelection(a0),GETLANGSEL(pc)
- rts
- moveq.l #2,D0 ; british english
- rts
- ; adds a vblank interrupt
- ; < A0: intRoutine
- ; < A1: intData
- movem.l D2-D7/A2-A6,-(A7)
- lea .int_entry(pc),A3
- move.l A0,(A3)
- lea .caller_int(pc),A0
- lea .int_struct(pc),A3
- move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,8(A3) ; ln_Type = INTERRUPT
- move.b #0,9(A3) ; Highest priority
- move.l .vbname,10(A3) ; The name of the server (for monitor programs)
- move.l A0,18(A3) ; The new interrupt server code to chain with
- move.l A1,14(A3) ; The data to pass in A1 at each call
- move.l #INTB_VERTB,D0 ; Vertical Blank interrupt
- move.l $4.W,A6
- move.l A3,A1 ; pointer on interrupt structure
- JSR _LVOAddIntServer(A6) ; Adds the handler to the existing chain
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D7/A2-A6
- moveq.l #1,D0 ; returns !=0 because success
- rts
- .caller_int:
- move.l .int_entry(pc),A5 ; as required in lowlevel autodoc
- jmp (A5)
- .int_entry:
- dc.l 0
- .int_struct:
- ds.b 22
- .vbname:
- dc.b "lowlevel vbl",0
- cnop 0,4
- ; adds a keyboard interrupt
- ; < A0: intRoutine
- ; < A1: intData
- movem.l D2-D7/A2-A6,-(A7)
- lea .int_entry(pc),A3
- move.l A0,(A3)
- lea .caller_int(pc),A0
- lea .int_struct(pc),A3
- move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,8(A3) ; ln_Type = INTERRUPT
- move.b #0,9(A3) ; Highest priority
- move.l .vbname,10(A3) ; The name of the server (for monitor programs)
- move.l A0,18(A3) ; The new interrupt server code to chain with
- move.l A1,14(A3) ; The data to pass in A1 at each call
- move.l #INTB_PORTS,D0 ; Ports interrupt
- move.l $4.W,A6
- move.l A3,A1 ; pointer on interrupt structure
- JSR _LVOAddIntServer(A6) ; Adds the handler to the existing chain
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D7/A2-A6
- moveq.l #1,D0 ; returns !=0 because success
- rts
- .caller_int:
- move.l .int_entry(pc),A5 ; as required in lowlevel autodoc
- move.b $BFEC01,D0
- not.b D0
- ror.b #1,D0 ; raw keycode
- jmp (A5)
- .int_entry:
- dc.l 0
- .int_struct:
- ds.b 22
- .vbname:
- dc.b "lowlevel kb",0
- cnop 0,4
- ; adds a timer interrupt
- ; < A0: intRoutine
- ; < A1: intData
- CIA_TIME_SLICE = 46911
- movem.l D2-D7/A2-A6,-(A7)
- ; just stores the values
- move.l A0,cia_int_entry
- move.l A1,cia_int_data
- move.l $4.W,A6
- lea _ciaaname,A1
- JSR _LVOOpenResource
- move.l D0,cia_resource_handler ; resource handler
- lea cia_caller_int(pc),A0
- lea cia_int_struct(pc),A3
- move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,8(A3) ; ln_Type = INTERRUPT
- move.b #127,9(A3) ; Lowest priority
- move.l cia_int_name,10(A3) ; The name of the server (for monitor programs)
- move.l A0,18(A3) ; The new interrupt server code to chain with
- move.l A1,14(A3) ; The data to pass in A1 at each call
- move.l #3,D0
- move.l cia_int_struct(pc),D0 ; only 1 interrupt of this kind
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D7/A2-A6
- rts
- ; A1 <: intHandle (also interrupt structure, hack!)
- ; D0 <: time interval (in microseconds)
- ; D1 <: continuous (0: one shot)
- movem.l D2-D7/A2-A6,-(A7)
- move.l d0,cia_time_interval
- move.l cia_resource_handler,A6
- move.l #3,D0
- JSR _LVOAddICRVector(A6) ; Adds the handler to the existing chain
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D7/A2-A6
- rts
- ; <A1: intHandle
- movem.l D2-D7/A2-A6,-(A7)
- moveq.l #3,D0
- move.l cia_resource_handler,A6
- JSR _LVORemICRVector(A6) ; Removes the handler to the existing chain
- movem.l (A7)+,D2-D7/A2-A6
- rts
- ; routine called by ICRVector
- cia_caller_int:
- ; time counter, to avoid calling user routine every time
- ; we must check the frequence he requested
- ;;to be continued
- ;
- move.l cia_int_entry(pc),A5 ; as required in lowlevel autodoc
- move.l cia_int_data(pc),A1 ; as required in lowlevel autodoc
- jmp (A5)
- cia_resource_handler:
- dc.l 0
- cia_time_interval:
- dc.l 0
- cia_int_struct:
- ds.b 22
- cia_int_name:
- dc.b "lowlevel timer",0
- cnop 0,4
- cia_int_entry:
- dc.l 0
- cia_int_data:
- dc.l 0
- ; forces a port to a controller type and allows to reset it
- moveq.l #-1,D0 ; all went OK
- rts
- ; reads joypads
- cmp.w #0,D0
- beq .joy0
- cmp.w #1,D0
- beq .joy1
- rts
- .joy0
- move.l #JP_TYPE_GAMECTLR,D0 ; joypad connected
- btst #6,$bfe001
- bne .nob1_0
- bset #JPB_BUTTON_RED,D0 ; fire/lmb
- .nob1_0:
- btst #6,potinp+$DFF000
- bne .nob2_0
- bset #JPB_BUTTON_BLUE,D0 ; fire 2/rmb
- move.w #$CC01,potgo+$DFF000 ; reset ports
- .nob2_0
- ; joystick moves
- lea (joy0dat+_custom),A6
- bsr .joy_test
- rts
- .joy1
- move.l #JP_TYPE_GAMECTLR,D0 ; joypad connected
- btst #7,$bfe001
- bne .nob1_1
- bset #JPB_BUTTON_RED,D0 ; fire/lmb
- .nob1_1:
- ; btst #14,potinp+$DFF000 ; was wrong ?
- btst #6,potinp+$DFF000
- bne .nob2_1
- bset #JPB_BUTTON_BLUE,D0 ; fire 2/rmb
- move.w #$CC01,(potgo+_custom) ; reset ports
- .nob2_1:
- ; joystick moves
- lea (joy1dat+_custom),A6
- bsr .joy_test
- move.l D0,-(A7)
- movem.l D1/D2,-(A7)
- move.l old_buttonmask,D0
- bsr .button_test
- movem.l (A7)+,D1/D2
- move.l D0,old_buttonmask
- or.l (A7),D0
- move.l D0,(A7)
- move.l (A7)+,D0
- rts
- ; other joypad buttons by keyboard emulation
- ; even a real joypad does not work properly on a real amiga!
- ; (I don't really know why!)
- .button_test:
- move.b KBDVAL,D1
- ; press/release
- moveq.l #0,D2
- bclr #7,D1
- beq.b .pressed
- moveq.l #1,D2
- .pressed
- cmp.b #$50,D1 ; F1: Blue
- bne .noblue
- TEST_JOY_BUTTON BLUE ; fire 2/blue/rmb
- rts
- .noblue
- cmp.b #$51,D1 ; F2: Green
- bne .nogreen
- rts
- .nogreen:
- cmp.b #$52,D1 ; F3: Yellow
- bne .noyellow
- rts
- .noyellow:
- cmp.b #$53,D1 ; F4: Play/pause
- bne .noplay
- rts
- .noplay:
- cmp.b #$54,D1 ; F5: left ear
- bne .nolear
- rts
- .nolear:
- cmp.b #$55,D1 ; F6: right ear
- bne .norear
- .norear:
- rts
- ; tests joystick moves
- ; < A6: custom reg. of the selected joystick
- ; > D0: joystick bits set
- .joy_test:
- movem.l D4-D6,-(A7)
- move.w (A6),D4
- move.w D4,D5
- btst #1,D4
- beq.b .left_off
- bset #JPB_JOY_RIGHT,D0
- bra.b .vert_test
- .left_off:
- btst #9,D4
- beq.b .vert_test
- bset #JPB_JOY_LEFT,D0
- .vert_test
- lsr.w #1,D4
- eor.w D5,D4
- btst #0,D4
- beq.b .back_off
- bset #JPB_JOY_DOWN,D0
- bra.b .exit
- .back_off
- btst #8,D4
- beq.b .exit
- bset #JPB_JOY_UP,D0
- .exit
- movem.l (A7)+,D4-D6
- rts
- old_buttonmask:
- dc.l 0
- LAB_00D7:
- MOVEM.L D2/A4-A6,-(A7) ;16A8: 48E7200E
- MOVEA.L A1,A4 ;16AC: 2849
- MOVEQ #0,D2 ;16AE: 7400
- MOVE.B $BFEC01,D2 ;16B0: 143900BFEC01
- NOT.B D2 ;16B6: 4602
- ROR.B #1,D2 ;16B8: E21A
- MOVEA.L (72,A4),A0 ;16BA: 206C0048
- MOVEA.L (14,A0),A1 ;16BE: 2268000E
- MOVEA.L (18,A0),A5 ;16C2: 2A680012
- JSR (A5) ;16C6: 4E95
- CMP #$0078,D2 ;16C8: B47C0078
- BEQ.S LAB_00DD ;16CC: 6760
- MOVE D2,D1 ;16CE: 3202
- AND #$0078,D1 ;16D0: C27C0078
- CMP #$0060,D1 ;16D4: B27C0060
- BNE.S LAB_00D8 ;16D8: 6612
- MOVE (40,A4),D0 ;16DA: 302C0028
- MOVE D2,D1 ;16DE: 3202
- AND #$0007,D1 ;16E0: C27C0007
- BCHG D1,D0 ;16E4: 0340
- MOVE D0,(40,A4) ;16E6: 39400028
- BRA.S LAB_00DA ;16EA: 601E
- LAB_00D8:
- BTST #7,D2 ;16EC: 08020007
- BNE.S LAB_00D9 ;16F0: 6606
- MOVE D2,(42,A4) ;16F2: 3942002A
- BRA.S LAB_00DA ;16F6: 6012
- LAB_00D9:
- MOVE D2,D1 ;16F8: 3202
- BCLR #7,D1 ;16FA: 08810007
- CMP (42,A4),D1 ;16FE: B26C002A
- BNE.S LAB_00DA ;1702: 6606
- ORI #$00FF,(42,A4) ;1704: 006C00FF002A
- LAB_00DA:
- MOVE D2,D0 ;170A: 3002
- SUBI #$00F9,D2 ;170C: 044200F9
- BPL.S LAB_00DD ;1710: 6A1C
- MOVEA.L (252,A4),A1 ;1712: 226C00FC
- BRA.S LAB_00DC ;1716: 600E
- LAB_00DB:
- MOVEA.L (18,A1),A5 ;1718: 2A690012
- MOVEA.L (14,A1),A1 ;171C: 2269000E
- JSR (A5) ;1720: 4E95
- MOVEA.L (A7)+,A1 ;1722: 225F
- MOVE (A7)+,D0 ;1724: 301F
- LAB_00DC:
- MOVE D0,-(A7) ;1726: 3F00
- MOVE.L (A1),-(A7) ;1728: 2F11
- BNE.S LAB_00DB ;172A: 66EC
- ADDQ #6,A7 ;172C: 5C4F
- LAB_00DD:
- MOVEM.L (A7)+,D2/A4-A6 ;172E: 4CDF7004
- RTS ;1732: 4E75
- MOVE.L (40,A6),D0 ;1734: 202E0028
- RTS ;1738: 4E75